Tuesday, April 12, 2005

The only way to win in a casino is to own one

Although online gaming came into being about five years ago, it wasn’t until the 2003 WSOP that the industry was truly presented to the poker-loving public. Online players have tripled since February 2004 and the online gaming industry has seen profits increase up to ten times in the past two years. Currently, over 200 online poker sites generate a combined $2 billion in annual revenues. With an average day capturing about 150,000 players, gaming sites are offering a more accessible, virtual venue in which to play poker. But the players aren’t the only ones who find advantages to online gaming; these online sites, due to almost no overhead and low labor costs, are able to keep a higher percentage of revenue than their land-based rivals. Online gaming companies, however, aren’t without their problems. Global regulations governing Internet gambling are muddy and complicated. Currently,the U.S.government considers Internet gambling illegal, therefore many online gaming sites are domiciled offshore. Most gaming providers are small companies located offshore in places such as Antigua and the Dominican Republic.
Sites usually require that the customer fill out an online registration, and may require that the customer open an account, with them or an affiliated banking institution. Payment methods include credit card, smart card, e-money, debit card, cheque or wire transfers. The most popular form of online gambling is sports betting, where bets are placed on professional and college sports in real time. The greatest increase in sites has been in online casinos,which offer such games as slots, blackjack, roulette and poker. Third most common are online lotteries. This experience is essentially the same as buying a lottery ticket from a land-based merchant, except these sites may not base the prize on the number of players contributing to the pool.
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Monday, April 04, 2005

inLove Fax Machine

Sending an sms seems a little impersonal…not poetic…Here is a special solution for a unique person! InLove fax machine is the lovers “must”. Download the music from the internet through the touch screen display, write the message and wait for the little bird to practice. Within minutes, the highly trained bird will fly fearlessly through the air, find the beloved one and sing the message with the selected tune…after, love will happen.
Via Yanko